Monday, January 29, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

An old friend of mine, the dearest knitter Nikki tagged me. A cute game. I've been tagged! The rule is that I have to come up with 6 weird things about myself. As Nikki has said about herself, I would say the same thing about myself; I do not quite think that I am even nearly normal. I am the weirdo!

1. I speak and write in both English and Korean. I was brought up in Korea, educated in normal Korean schools, and my parents only speak Korean. My relatives live in the States, Europe, China, Japan and Africa. Some of them work as missionaries. We speak Korean, English, and French at home but not everyone can speak all of them, so the rule is that basically we all have to speak Korean. Thus, this might not be the whole reason why I speak English. And I don't speak French. My grandfather speaks Japanese, but I do not speak Japanese either. I speak Chinese. So whenever people question me how I speak English, I try to come up with some good reasons but I usually end up making up some plain reasons which lead me to face no more further queries.

2. I love philosophy. I do love philosophy. People again inquire of me what made me give my life away for the ultimate source of depression. I truly love this though, not the depression part but the work of philosophy. And it actually does never drive me depressed. It mostly is like a very clever and clear way to stick to the bright side of life.

3. I don't like wearing socks. I love sandals and I put on my sneakers barefoot often. (they don't stink bad though!)

4. I can't eat spicy food and I am Korean. I hardly eat red Kimchi. Budaejigae, especially, gives me an enterohemorrhage.

5. Outside of Korea, when I tell Chinese people that I am Chinese, they believe me, and Japanese people believe me when I tell them I am Japanese, but Koreans do not believe me easily when I tell them I am Korean.

6. I am 'Miss List'. I love making lists. I love organizing things. My room often remains quite messy and I am rather forgetful. But I love making lists and scrapbooks.

I am not sure whom I have to tag. I know not so many of them who run their blog and visit mine. Well, but I think, I know who I will have to tag this time; I tag my German professor, Stefan Carl. (So, his 6 weird things will be listed in German!)


Blogger Greg Curtiss said...

Sprechst du deutsch? Zhende ma? Ich habe keine Idee. I didn't know Swiss Greg was still alive, haven't heard from him, but I guess he got my post and knows about the blog. I miss Beijing, those were great times. Do you talk to Connor at all?

4:12 PM  
Blogger sca said...

Mission accomplished. ;-)

6:37 AM  
Blogger Angel said...

Danke! :D I saw it! SO HARD!!!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

Greg, Swiss Greg is so alive and doing well! I really don't speak German but maybe I know some. I didn't know that YOU speak German! ;) I miss Beijing too, it was great. I talk to some people from Beijing and Swiss Greg is one of them but not Connor. I think we could not talk after the NeiMengGuo trip.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

You don't like socks? Dang, and I was going to knit you some, too. And no budaejjigae? That's one of my favorite Korean foods. What a shame. . .

4:55 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

I know, it's crazy that I can't eat Budaejigae! It's crazier cuz sometimes I crave it. Aww, I love the scarf you made for me, I'd love the socks too if you make them!! Anything from the greatest knitter! ;) yay!

11:14 PM  

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